Outdoor Saunas
OKA Design
HC Design
Celtic SPAS
Swim spas
3 models


Cool Pool – the ideal solution for maximum refreshment after sauna

Our Cool Pool tubs made of high quality acrylic are designed to provide the ultimate feeling of coolness and regeneration, promoting the recovery of body and mind after a hot sauna ritual.

With their sleek design, easy maintenance and resistance to temperature changes, Cool Pool tubs are the perfect addition to both home and commercial spas.

3 models


Cool Pool – the ideal solution for maximum refreshment after sauna

Our Cool Pool tubs made of high quality acrylic are designed to provide the ultimate feeling of coolness and regeneration, promoting the recovery of body and mind after a hot sauna ritual.

With their sleek design, easy maintenance and resistance to temperature changes, Cool Pool tubs are the perfect addition to both home and commercial spas.

Cool Pool Pro

Upon request
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Cool Pool Team 1

Upon request
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Cool Pool Team 2

Upon request
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